just passed part two as a driving instructor who can i learn with my badge trainee?
2006-04-23 13:23:25 UTC
just passed part two as a driving instructor who can i learn with my badge trainee?
One answer:
2006-04-24 01:27:49 UTC
I'd have thought that having taken professional training you would be only too aware of what you could and could not do at that level. Ignorance of the law being no defence I strongly suggest you go back to the text books!

It's also surprising that having (partially) qualified as an educator and (therefor) communicator, you have not a better grasp of basic English i.e. the primary tool with which you will instruct others.

No-one can "learn" anyone! One might be able to TEACH something to someone, but only if one is able to express the subject clearly and without abiguity.

As you have such difficulties differentiating between the basic concepts of learning and teaching how do you propose ACCURATELY advising your pupils on the ins and outs of motoring regulations?

I have NO doubt that if you DO have a 'trainee's badge' the documentation that accompanies it will tell you exactly what you can and cannot do with it!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.